A Mother’s Day Tribute (on a four-wheeler)

I wrote this in 2008, a year after our mother passed away. It seems a fitting tribute to publish it this year for Mother’s Day, looking back on that first summer without her, when our kids were so little and we were figuring out this motherhood thing all by ourselves. We know she’d laugh.~ We […]

Nurse Nelson

Nelson was the first one sick. For three days. On the fourth day, mother nurse was down for the count. Another three days and Kendall took the hit. But there was a one-day period in which Kendall was not sick, Nelson was in recovery and I was sicker than a dog. Nelson stayed home from […]

Behold: The first snow day of the year

Ah, the first snow day of the year. There’s not much that compares to it. Snowy roads no match for sledding hill. It starts about 6 p.m. the night before. Someone (usually me) checks www.snowdaycalculator.com. It says it’s a 99% chance of a snow day. Someone (again me) announces this loudly while standing in front […]

No Cookie! (Life with a puppy)

This new puppy has been really good for my diet. What’s better for changing one’s mindset than walking around yelling, “No Cookie!” about two dozen times a day. It’s true, I’ve lost three pounds since bringing this pooch home. The boys begged for a year. I really had no intention of getting a dog and […]

The Night Hike – The Perfect Scary Summer Party Idea

Welcome to the entrance of The Night Hike. We had an end-of-school party. We figured a few families would show up, a few drinks would be consumed, the children would scale a tree or two, someone would cry, and a child would need a Band-Aid before it was over. All of these things happened and […]