Motocross Mayhem

Motocross has entered our family life, much to my protest. It started with my 13-year-old son Nelson asking to race his four-wheeler. When I said no, he narrowed his mission: just one race? When I still said no, he went one smaller: one race and he would come in last. It’s hard to deny someone […]

It’s the law…

The kids wanted to go for a four-wheeler ride. My son Nelson took our ATV (his brother was at soccer!) while my sister’s two kids had to… steal Grandpa’s. It was fine. Kind of. Grandpa wasn’t around but they had to go soon if they were going. It was late in the afternoon. So a […]

Playing Luigi

Feeling nostalgic one night, my boys brought their Mario Bros. Wii game out of retirement. I was delighted. Back when they were little, I would play tournaments with them and wasn’t half-bad. I was all-bad. All four of us decided to play. My husband, Tim, was a yellow toad. Nelson, age 13, was a blue […]

Fat Cats

My sister and I have a competition over whose cat is the fattest. It seems just right to reveal this just in time for our GTWoman Health issue. It was an accidental kind of competition. One day my sister Kerry mentioned that her cat was fat. I scoffed. Kerry’s cat, CoCo, wasn’t even on the […]

We <3 Target

Target. It’s the one place I enjoy shopping. My boys aren’t huge fans of shopping but I’ve finally gotten the program down. Give them something to do and they won’t terrorize me while I shop. For example, when Kendall was 4 years old, he was screaming and having a fit over something while we were […]